The Intellectuals and the Masses

The Intellectuals and the Masses. Pride and Prejudice among the Literary Intelligentsia, 1880-1939 (1992). In German as Hass auf die Massen (1996). Also in Japanese (1999) and Spanish, Los Intelectuales y Las Masas (2009). “Witty, passionate and end-to-end readable”, Edward Pearce, Guardian. “Intellectual-baiting at its best, elegantly written, forcefully argued and extremely disturbing”, Alan Wooldridge, Daily Mail. “An invigorating polemic against the proto-fascism of modernist writers”, Nina Auerbach, New York Times Book Review. “Important and provocative…Carey questions the origins of our strong and often unexamined ideas about cultural hierarchies; and anybody who manages to do that with such wit and humanity deserves to be heard”, Robert Sandall, Sunday Times.

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